would be the audience for your media product?
My chosen audience covers quite a large range of the scale. I
targeted my magazine at people who fit into the A – C1 groups of the
socio-economic groups, and will be predominantly male, but there are many females
who enjoy jazz as well. I also targeted it at both the older and younger
generations. I included young and new artists for the younger age groups, and
articles about the history of jazz that may appeal more to the older
generations. There are also articles that cover both of these age ranges, such
as instrument reviews and the latest music. Looking at
Maslow's hierarchy of needs, I targeted my audience at people between the
safety and esteem groups as taking inspiration from what you read and trying
out jazz for yourself is what I want people in my target audience to do. I
think that my target audience would fit into the safety group as jazz brings
people together, so they would be able to make friends and maybe even create a
band. People reading my magazine may already play in bands or go to concerts
regularly, which means that they belong to a social group. The esteem group
fits in with going to concerts and appreciating the music and the musicians who
make it, so they are admiring and respecting them. They may also gain some
self-esteem if they are the musicians and people admire and respect them.
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