Friday, 15 March 2013

Evaluation Q5

How did you attract/address your audience?

The specific features of my magazine that will appeal to my audience directly are the free things in it, the competitions, the artists featured, the quizzes and the general layout. I made my magazine based on most conventions that people will expect to see, such as a plug, skyline and tease, main image of the featured artist and various cover lines with content that make the reader want to buy the magazine and look into them in more detail. I felt that it was important to give readers what they wanted using conventions, but to also challenge and change them a little bit to make my magazine stand out in the crowd.

I wanted my audience to feel like they are “part of the scene” by having artists and articles that relate to them and what they like. I didn't want to feature things that hardly anybody would be interested in, so I chose artists and features that would appeal to everybody. The audience for my magazine is quite a large one, so I needed to include many things that would keep everybody happy and attract many different kinds of people.

I also attracted my audience with the option of looking at the magazine digitally through the use of a QR code linked to the magazine’s website. This means that both people who enjoy physical copies of the magazine and those who enjoy digital ones will be attracted to my magazine. I also added a subscription offer to the contents page to attract long-term readers who want to subscribe to the magazine to get it cheaper. It also appeals to people who don’t go out to shops very often as the offer includes delivery to the reader’s home. There are also competitions and free gifts included and advertised in my magazine with things that relate to jazz and music, such as tickets, posters etc. on offer for the reader.

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