Thursday 7 February 2013

Double Page Spread Draft Two

I have changed the font of my article text, removed the "Danny Barley" text to leave more mystery around him, made the colour of the quotes and title text stronger so that it stands out a bit more, added the magazine address and changed the colour of the page numbers to match the contents page and generally tried to make it more interesting to look at.

I'm definitely not happy with the image and want to try a better one that makes the article look more interesting because it looks quite boring at the minute.

To improve for my final draft:
  • Definitely try a more informal and personal image to draw readers in - try making it cut across the text more so it isn't just an image with text at the side and make it a full long shot so it doesn't look cut off.
  • Play around with the quote text more to make it different and more interesting.
  • Generally edit it to make it more appealing.

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