Friday 22 February 2013

Feedback for Contents Page

Strengths: I like the neat layout as it makes the text look clear. I also like the use of the same colours as this is conventional.
Areas to improve: I think you could improve by making the main story information more bold so that it stands out from the rest. The black text underneath the middle photo looks very small compared to the rest, it could possibly be made bigger/bolder. I think it could be improved by putting the numbers in front of the text instead of after it, this would make it more conventional. Some of the font used makes it look a bit unprofessional, maybe look at what is conventionally used by other magazines?
Other comments: I like the colour scheme and that its the same throughout the contents page.

Strengths: Nice amount of images that relate to the genre of your magazine, there also edited really good. The colour scheme is really clear, which makes the text clear. 
Areas to improve: You could add a different colour to the background of the images. Also add a box outline to the middle article to make them all the same. You could also change some of the texts fonts to just change it up a bit also adding the page number before the text. 
Other comments: Needs a bit of work to look more conventional but does look good. 

Strengths: The colours all work well and compliment each other and create a sense of fluency. Each different aspect of the magazine is sectioned off and easy to read. The 'Subscribe and Save!' text adds a sense of realism, and makes the magazine seem very authentic.
Areas to improve: The name of your magazine is not mentioned on the contents page, maybe that would be something you could add (only small and in a corner somewhere).

In response to this feedback, I am going to add page numbers to my pictures, as well as a background to the images so that they don't blend in with the background as much and stand out more. I will also thicken the borders around the images and the subheadings and maybe change them to red. I am also going to add a signature to the editor's photo to make it more conventional using an italic font. In the "Features" and "Regulars" columns I am going to make the numbers stand out more and place them at the front of the lines, as well as making the main story lines stand out more using bigger text. I will also make my main story information bolder. Finally, I will also make the contents text go across more of the page to make it more dominant and add something with it that relates to the name of my magazine, either the full name or perhaps just an "O"/"O-B" for "Off-Beat".

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