Monday 3 December 2012

First Front Cover Draft

This is the first draft for my front cover. I made sure I had the basics, such as a title, masthead, main image, plug, bar code and cover lines. These are conventional to all magazines and are something I will need to keep throughout my drafts. I can make them more appealing using different editing tools, but they must stay there. I had a problem with the text and main image overlapping as my whole image is just a single layer. I tried to rub out the text so that it appeared to be behind it, but it hasn't been very successful so far.

Things to improve on:
  • Try swapping the plug and cover lines around so they aren't covering the main image and the colours aren't clashing.
  • Try and establish more of a colour scheme.
  • Move the bar code according to the cover lines and splash - find a more realistic one.
  • Edit image to make it more appealing.
  • Looks very basic and there is too much space around the main image.

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