Wednesday 19 December 2012

Seventh Front Cover Draft

This is the seventh front cover draft. I have now changed some of the fonts of text and the sizes of words to make them stand out more and emphasise the important information. I have also added a tease at the bottom to entice my audience even more.

I received audience feedback about this draft, here is what people said could be improved:
  • The bar code is sideways - is it more conventional to have it horizontally?
  • The cover lines are just dotted around.
  • Make the title all capitals to make it stand out more.
I also received positive comments, which were:
  • Good colour scheme and layout that represents the genre
  • Photograph looks professional and high quality.
  • Looks realistic how the main image overlaps the bottom graphics.
Looking at this feedback, I am going to experiment and try out the improvements that I have received and see if I like them.

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