Tuesday 4 December 2012

Fourth Front Cover Draft

This is the fourth draft for my front cover. I have now moved the bar code to the more conventional right-hand side and placed a date and price (in pounds, euros, US dollars and Canadian dollars, as seen on an issue of NME that I looked at for ideas) above it. I have also moved all of my cover lines to the left-hand side and arranged them, but I am still not completely happy with how they look. The whole front cover still looks rather empty.

Things still to work on:
  • Arranging the cover lines so the are more evenly spaced, maybe even adding extra to "fill the space" more.
  • Possibly edit the image to make it more appealing, e.g. soften the edges if needed or change skin tone etc. (though I am quite happy with how it is now)
  • Generally edit the text so differ between the title and masthead etc. so that the more important features stand out more.

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