Friday 18 January 2013

Contents Page Draft Three

This is the third draft for my contents page. I have changed the image of the front cover for my magazine with an image of a single artist as I didn't like having the front cover there and there was still too much of my main model with it there. I have also changed the colour of the "subscribe and save" text so that it is different to the caption colour and cannot be confused with them, as well as placing a transparent box around the captions to separate them a little bit more.

Things to improve include: 
  • Add a picture of the editor (me) to the bottom of the editor's letter.
  • Make the lines around the boxes a little bit thicker to make them more predominant.
  • Change the title text so that it reads "Contents" and then "In This Issue..." across the top.
  • Add boxes around the "Features" and "Regulars" titles to make more of them, and perhaps make them bigger so they are more dominant.
  • Add boxes around the images to keep up with the "box theme".
  • Generally edit the whole layout to make it neat and keep all the boxes in line with each other.

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