Saturday 12 January 2013

Front Cover Final Edit

This is the final edit for the front cover of my music magazine. Taking feedback about my final draft, I edited my front cover in these ways:
  • I made the cover lines a more tradition font and added a couple of extra to fill up the space as my front cover looked quite empty before.
  • I edited out the reflection of my model in the trombone.
  • I changed my main cover line so that it included my model's name and a pull quote from my DPS.
I also edited the splash so that it was a little bit smaller and has a black outline to make it stand out even more and I tilted the text inside it to make it look a bit different to the rest of the text. I created some custom shapes to put around the main points of my text to grab the reader's attention even more to those particular articles.

I will take feedback from others and make changes according to that in the future.

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