Thursday 4 October 2012

Analysis of a Contents Page of a School Magazine

LIIAR Analysis:

Language - as it is a contents page, you would expect to see short sentences and very little language. It is to the point and delivers the information you need to find what you want to look at in the article.

Institution - again, it is a school magazine that is produced by the school, for the school. They have placed their school logo in the lower right corner and used pictures of their school and students to emphasise the point that the magazine is based around their school.

Ideology - this school conveys its beliefs of the school to be positive and hard-working. Some of the articles are on improving your revision strategies and achieving the best results, which show that the school cares for its students and wants them to do well.

Audience - the audience is primarily the students and teachers at the school as they will be the ones who will understand the school and will be interested in knowing more about it. The parents of the students may also be interested in what is happening at the school their child attends and the progress it is making.

Representation - the school want to represent themselves in a positive way and show their audience that they are hard-working and strive to help their students achieve the best results possible. This contents page also shows us that they want to keep everyone well informed and are organised about how they present themselves.

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