Wednesday 3 October 2012

Analysis of a Front Cover of a School Magazine

LIIAR Analysis:

Language - the language used is to the point and highlights the key points that are inside the magazine. A lot of words related to college are also used, e.g. "work", "university" and "success" to convey to the readers that the magazine is college-based. A lot of quotes are also used, these may be quotes from inside the magazine or possibly what people have said about the college and the students there, and give the readers an idea of what is to come.

Institution - the institution for this magazine is clearly the college and they have produced this magazine themselves and distribute it within the college for the students and teachers to read and keep up to date with the latest information.

Ideology - the ideology used in this magazine has a strong, positive opinion of the college. The quotes used are all positive and include information about students moving on from the college to better things. The college also conveys a strong work ethic and wants to help its students improve and keep working hard with "10 ways to keep your work up to date", which is also the main cover line.

Audience - the audience for this magazine is primarily the students and teachers at the college, and doesn't really appeal to anyone outside of the college as they won't know anything about the place. Parents of the students there may also be interested in some of the content, as it applies to the ex-students, and parents may be interested in what their children can achieve after attending the college.

Representation - the way the magazine represents itself is very confident. It has a student with their textbooks as the main image, representing the work side of the college, but then also has the "Christmas at CTK!" cover line, which shows that the college also takes part in festive activities and can take a bit of a break from work and have some fun. This helps the magazine to promote a good image for the college as it shows parents that they work their students hard and allow them achieve anything and move onto greater things, but also that the college allows them to have fun and take part in different activities.

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