Tuesday 30 October 2012

Main Image and Other Images

Along with thinking about the name of my magazine, I have also thought about how I will frame my images and what I will take photographs of.

On my front cover, I would like an image of a musician in a mid shot. I would like them to be holding an instrument, preferably a trombone, trumpet or saxophone as all of these instruments are used in jazz bands. I would try taking photographs straight-on, but I would also like to have them playing the instrument and facing to the side slightly. If I were to take a picture from the front, I wouldn't have them playing their instrument as it may give it too much importance and I want both the instrument and the musician to be of equal importance.

For the contents page, I would like a background image that I can paste text over easily. I would ideally like a group of jazz musicians either playing together or just lined up with their instruments. I would use a long shot for this so that you could see all of them fully. I just want it to be subtle and in the background and not take over the page. I may use smaller images around the page that relate to stories that I highlight - all of these would be close-ups.

On the double page spread, I would have images relating to my story, and I have not yet chosen what I will write about, but I know that it will be related to them. I would use whatever framing seemed appropriate for the images.

All of these are just ideas, and I expect that when I come to making the products, things will change after experimentation.

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