Tuesday 23 October 2012

LIIAR Analysis of a Double Page Spread

LIIAR Analysis:

Language - the main thing that grabs the attention of the reader on this page is the giant pull quote that covers almost as much of the page as the image. It is a quote from Lily Allen, and also features in the text below it. NME have placed it there so that the readers get an idea about what is going to be in the article, but not enough information so that they have to skip it because they know everything. It also serves as a sort of "title" to the story, and helps lead into it before the reader actually starts to read the small text.

Institute - NME will most probably have interviewed Lily Allen themselves and written this article based on what they found out from that. They have used the same image as the one on the front cover to create a "theme" and use an image that the audience will already recognise. Although now we see more of the image, it is still easy enough to recognise and helps to create a strong theme within the magazine.

Ideology - the message conveyed by this double page spread is that NME want to show their audience that they can get up close and personal with the popular musicians. They have conducted the interview themselves and written the article based on what they found out, using a direct quote from Lily Allen herself for the pull quote and "title" of the page. They also most likely took the image themselves and have used it twice in the magazine for consistency and so that they don't have to take many different images that might not match up completely, especially if taken at different times or at different locations.

Audience - the audience for this particular article will be Lily Allen fans and people who are just interested in popular musicians and their music. Again, it will most probably be a younger audience as they are the ones who are most likely to find musicians such as Lily Allen appealing and what to know what is going on with her and why she has said what she has said.

Representation - NME represent themselves as up-to-date with the latest information about the popular musicians and efficient in the way that they gather and present their information. They represent the musicians they feature in a positive and accurate way, using direct quotes from the musicians themselves and attractive photographs so that they appear to be fine and doing well - unless it is serious, no one wants to read about people doing badly. They want to escape the bad things in their life and read about something good.

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