Sunday 28 October 2012

My Reader Profile

This is a reader profile I created in response to the NME one. I have included the main things that I think my readers will do and what they will be like.

I think that the majority of my readers will be male because the jazz musicians are predominantly male and some of the instruments used are seen as "male" instruments - such as the trumpet, drum kit and percussion section and the double bass. 

The age ranges are quite different because there are many different types of jazz that appeal to different people. Older people might like the slower "late night jazz" that isn't too upbeat and exciting, whilst younger audiences may enjoy traditional and big band jazz more because of its fast tempo and complicated rhythms. 

The socio-economic class is high because I think that people with higher-paid jobs that require some sort of education and professionalism will enjoy jazz more because it can be a quite a sophisticated genre of music that only certain people will enjoy. However, jazz did start out with working class people just singing tunes together whilst working, so there is nothing to stop lower-class people enjoying jazz too.

Jazz is all about communication and messages behind what you are playing, as well as being able to communicate with the other players in your band to get your ideas across in an organised way. Because of this, I think that the readers of my magazine will enjoy using social media and socialising with large groups of people all at once. This, of course, also includes going out to jazz festivals and concerts and generally just going out with friends.

Finally, enjoying listening to jazz and playing or listening to it regularly will also be a common pastime of my readers. Some people may just be entering the jazz world for the first time, but a majority of my readers will play some sort of instrument or even have a career in music, either teacher, playing or recording.

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