Tuesday 23 October 2012

LIIAR Analysis of a Front Cover

LIIAR Analysis:

Language - the language used on this front cover highlights the points of interest in the magazine. It is short so that it can fit on the page and give the audience the information they want quickly. There is a masthead, logo, main image, splashes and pull quotes on this front cover, all of which are conventional to magazines of any kind. They are relevant to this product as they are what the audience expect to see and give them enough information so that they know what is in this issue, but will want to read on to find out more. They use language relating to the genre of music and the artists featured so that people who are interested in those things will understand what they are reading.

Institute - the organisation behind this magazine is, obviously, NME. They are a well-known and big magazine company and many people will know about them. The have their logo in the top left corner - which is their conventional place for it - and place it behind the text. This shows that they are confident with their brand image as they can "hide" it behind the main image and still be recognised. They would be responsible for gathering the stories and images highlighted by this front cover and putting it all together in a conventional way that appeals to their audience. They have their own style and have developed their own reader profile, which shows that they are confident that they know their readers and what they want.

Ideology - the ideology on this front cover conveys the message that the company want to provide its readers with the latest information about popular musicians that people are interested in. It does this by using attractive photographs that feature a mid shot for the main image and close ups for the smaller images. By using these images, NME can deliver suitable amounts of information to get their readers interested without giving away too much.

Audience - the audience for this magazine would be rock/pop music fans, probably of a young age as Lily Allen (the cover model) and some of the other artists mentioned appeal more to a younger audience. The design of the magazine is also attractive to younger viewers as it features a young musician and the font and way the text is placed are the sort of thing that younger viewers would find appealing. The font used and colour scheme are quite "rebellious" and "young" and would really appeal to a younger audience.

Representation - NME want to represent themselves as a company who can provide the latest information fast and accurately. They use pull quotes to show what the audience will find in the magazine and to show that they have had interviews with the musicians featured. They also want to represent the musicians they use in the best way possible, using good photographs and positive phrases so that nothing negative is taken from them. Unless something bad had happened to the artist, and that was the main feature of the magazine, NME would want to represent their artists as attractive, successful and popular.

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